Why should you trust me to edit your project?
- 25+ years as a journalist and editor
- More than 20 years as a fiction author, editor and writing coach
- Extensive work with small presses and independent authors
- Experience with both fiction and nonfiction publishing
- Reasonable rates and quick turnaround
Critique Services
Projects include novels, nonfiction books, short stories, columns, essays, articles, research papers and more.
Level 1: Overall Critique. Recommendation on sales possibilities, suggestions for the work that needs to be done. This is a very basic critique, does not include mechanics or a line edit.
Level 2: Line edit and mechanics critique. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting.
Level 3: Mid-Level Critique. Word choice, language, sense of flow, as well as grammar, punctuation, spelling, manuscript format.
Level 4: Full Critique. Plot structure, characterization, originality and theme evaluation, as well as word choice, language, sense of flow, grammar, punctuation, spelling, manuscript format. Includes a recommendation on sales possibilities, with at least three suggested markets and development of a book proposal package.